Samuel C. Morris

Work Experience

Lexmark (Embedded Systems, Low Power team), January 2015-November 2018

  • Implemented, tested and integrated numerous low-power features spanning user space and driver space in a Yocto embedded Linux environment to achieve Energy Star and Blue Angel certification.

  • Simultaneously developed numerous ARM-based platforms on a common code-base by utilizing the device tree.

  • Developed tests and testing infrastructure for automated integration testing in Jenkins.

  • Debugged numerous field issues through the Extraview issue tracking software.

  • Daily SCRUM stand-ups to track progress and address obstacles in Rally.

  • Adjacency projects:

    • Computer vision, specifically object detection, tracking, and classification in supermarkets.

    • Applied machine learning techniques to make real-time predictions and collect actionable business data.


University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering: August 2014

Bachelor of Science in Physics: December 2018(pending)

GPA: 3.47

Research Experience

KAOS(Compilers, Hardware Architecture and Operating Systems) Group, May 2012-January 2015

  • Extensive work with GPUs, particularly with regard to the MOG(MIMD on GPU) environment.

  • Attended the SC13 conference to exhibit research.

  • General cluster management. (administration, hardware fixes, beowulf)

  • Image processing using machine learning techniques.

Dr. Crawford’s Group in Collaboration with Beam Line #13 at ORNL, May 2013-August 2013

  • Tested proposed data acquisition equipment for the Neutron Beta Decay experiment. (CAEN cards, FPGAs, etc.)

  • Wrote software to correlate and classify decay events.

  • Helped to prepare and print 3D prototypes from CAD models for proposed electro-magnet designs.

Dr. Gardner’s particle physics group, January 2014-May 2014

  • Reviewed physics papers to search for new sources of symmetry breaking, particularly in the B-meson system.

Computer Skills


  • Deep: C, python, bash, verilog

  • Shallow: C++, Rust, CUDA, R, MySQL, Java, Javascript, LEX & YACC, Lisp, Fortran, Prolog, Smalltalk, sed, awk, Matlab, PHP


  • Deep: std. Unix utilities, git, google utilities, Jenkins, Rally, Gitlab, Kicad, flowdock, Extraview

  • Shallow: Gerrit, Microsoft utilities, Subversion

Language Skills and International Experience

  • 4 years Chinese Language study, 4 years German in high school

  • Study abroad in Shanghai, May-June 2011

  • Study abroad in Beijing with CET language program June-August 2011


  • Physics society member

  • Horticulture club member